Title: Magma 2
Magma series
Format: 132 x 204 cm – 4ft 4in x 6ft 8in
Weight: 1.700 g – 3 lb 12 oz
Date: 2020 – 2023
No. 271.2023.19
Technique: Hand-stitched: twelve blocks with a relief effect and thirteen smooth blocks
The broken lines of quilting cut diagonally through individual squares or pairs of juxtaposed squares.
4,675 textile squares 3-cm wide
Description: Magma 2 conjures up cooling lava that no longer flows freely, in the grip of the contradictory physical forces of gravity and falling temperature.
In the same chromatic range as Magma 1 – inspired by tablets adorned with calligraphy in a Korean temple – Magma 2 has been composed in a smaller format.
The thirteen smooth blocks alternating with twelve blocks assembled with a relief effect produce a vibratory sensation and depth.
Title: Magma 1
Magma series
Format: 170 x 254 cm – 5ft 7in x 8ft 4in
Weight: 2.560 g – 5lb 10 oz
Date: 2017- 2021
No 215.2021.6
Technique : Hand-stitched and hand-quilted as three layers, including one that’s back-to-front and one silk core
4,675 textile squares 4-cm wide
Description : Inspired by tablets adorned with calligraphy in a Korean temple, Magma 1 conjures up lava that no longer flows freely as it cools. As a variation on the different shades of black, grey and charcoal interspersed with red and blue lines of force, Magma 1 gives an illusion of perpetual vibration. The addition of glossy red textiles adds to the vibratory sensation, depending on how the viewer moves and their viewing angle.
Running Water
Five squares
Time and Space
Other works 2009 – 2013
Collaborative projects